2024年夏天.C.E.S. 工作坊,2024年7月15日至19日.

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从健康科学的领导者那里获得学位. 无论你是在找学士学位, 硕士或博士学位, 安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行欢迎合格的转学生参加我们所有的校园和在线课程. 我们和你一样被你的成功所驱使. 在你的这段时间里, an Academic Success Coach will be available to help with everything from registering for classes to tracking progress and facing difficulties.


Step 1


Step 2

Your Admissions Coordinator will work with you to ensure your seamless transition to Logan by evaluating transcripts and finding out more about your educational goals.

Step 3

在线申请洛根. 在招生协调员的指导下,申请费将被免除.

安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行是 Core 42, which means approved undergraduate general education courses are guaranteed to transfer to all Missouri public two-year and four-year institutions and other participating private universities. 安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行在2020年签署了参与Core 42的协议,并提供了许多Core 42课程! 点击这里的42学分的转让,是核心42的一部分的清单, 哪一个涵盖了大部分标准通识教育课程, yes, 我们接受比Core 42更多的转移-我们的完整转移政策列在 安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行目录.

此外,请参阅我们的本科和研究生课程费用的完整列表 here.



安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行 accepts transfer credits from institutions accredited by either the United States Department of Education (USDE) and/or the Council for Higher Education (CHEA). 另外, 捏脊医生课程要求其他捏脊机构获得委员会的认可 脊椎按摩疗法教育 (CCE),以便考虑转学分.



转学课程必须至少相当于学分的80%, 课程内容和教学深度 to 安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行’s course in order to be accepted into one of our programs. 学生可能需要提交适当的课程描述和/或教学大纲,以便注册主任, 项目主任和/或院长办公室做出转学接受的最终决定.


Logan’s 捏脊医生 (DC)的课程以洛根传统为基础,并融入了当前的研究, 技术和成熟的实践提供了一个无与伦比的教育基础,为明天的脊椎按摩领导者. 课程分为10个学期的讲座, labs, 技术, electives, 以及临床经验. Students who wish to transfer into Logan’s 捏脊医生 program must contact the Office of Admissions and provide all official transcripts from other accredited programs. 所有课程都将由教务长和脊医学院院长办公室审核是否等同于转学. A minimum final grade of “C” must be earned in the course in order to be considered for transfer credit into the DC program.

另外, students who have previously completed any part of the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners (NBCE) must send an official transcript from NBCE to their admissions coordinator to be reviewed by the Registrar and Dean’s office with their official transcripts.

所有脊椎指压医学博士课程的临床实习时间必须在安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行完成, 因此,任何先前完成的临床实习时间将不被视为转移学分.

Logan’s 教育学博士 (Ed.D)在卫生专业教育 is designed to provide health professionals the tools they need to become successful educators in their chosen health profession. This 100% online program provides busy working professionals the flexibility to complete their doctorate degree and maintain their current employment.

希望将学分转入教育系的学生.D program must send all official transcripts from accredited institutions to the Office of Admissions to be considered for transfer equivalency. 所有的课程作业都将由项目主管审核是否等同于转学. 课程必须在申请时的10年内完成, 最低期末成绩为“B”,才能考虑转学分. 安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行将接受最多12个学时的学分转入我们的教育课程.D program.

安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行提供科学硕士学位 卫生信息学Nutrition & 人类的表现体育科学 & 康复, and 应用营养与营养学“,. Students who wish to transfer credit into one of our Masters programs must send all official transcripts from accredited institutions to the Office of Admissions. 课程必须在申请时的10年内完成, 最低期末成绩为“B”,才能考虑转学分. 所有的课程作业都将由项目主管审核是否等同于转学. 至少30%的课程必须在安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行完成.

安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行提供本科学位 人类生物学理学学士学位 and 生命科学学士学位. Students who wish to transfer credit into the undergraduate programs must send all official transcripts from accredited institutions to the Office of Admissions. 注册主任办公室将审查所有成绩单的转学等效性. 期末成绩必须达到“C”,才能考虑转学分. 学生可以将最多90学分的等效课程转入本科学位课程.

跳级, CLEP, 唐太斯标准科目测验, 军事学分可以转换为理学学士学位课程.

理学学士学位 生命科学学位 is a specially designed dual degree to allow students to complete a portion of their undergraduate degree during their first year at 安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行 during the 捏脊医生 coursework. Logan also participates in 3+3 (3 years undergraduate + 3 trimesters of doctorate) articulation agreements with many different schools, 更多信息可以在下面找到:


安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行 also participates in Missouri’s Department of Education 42 credit hour block equivalency which allows equivalent coursework to transfer seamlessly between participating institutions for undergraduate programs. 访问下面的链接,看看你以前的机构是否是密苏里州核心42的一部分.


International transfer students must also have all international transcripts evaluated by one of the evaluation services listed below in order for the coursework to be considered for transfer credit. 所有正式成绩单和评价将由书记官长审查, 项目主任和/或学院院长,具体取决于项目的适用转学分.

  • 世界教育服务
  • Josef Silny and Associates, Inc.
  • 教育证书评估公司.
  • 国际教育研究基金会.
  • 美国大学注册主任和招生主任协会

安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行 accepts transfer credits from institutions accredited by either the United States Department of Education (USDE) and/or the Council for Higher Education (CHEA). 另外, 捏脊医生课程要求其他捏脊机构获得委员会的认可 脊椎按摩疗法教育 (CCE),以便考虑转学分.



转学课程必须至少相当于学分的80%, 课程内容和教学深度 to 安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行’s course in order to be accepted into one of our programs. 学生可能需要提交适当的课程描述和/或教学大纲,以便注册主任, 项目主任和/或院长办公室做出转学接受的最终决定.


Logan’s 捏脊医生 课程以洛根传统为基础,并融入了当前的研究, technology and proven practices to provide an unequalled educational foundation for tomorrow’s chiropractic leaders. 在怀孕的前三个月获得实践经验, 学生们通过各种各样的课程来加深他们的知识和技能 临床浸泡机会 从14种可选的技巧中选择——比其他任何技巧都要多 脊椎按摩疗法学院.

如果你在一个使用季度学分或学期学分以外的单位的机构学习课程, 我们将把你的季度学分/单元转换为学期学分. 如果你曾就读于使用季度学分的机构, 您不会在转换中失去积分. 例如,如果你有40个学分(40 x .666 = 26.64),你将获得27个学分.

Credits completed at an international institution will be converted to 安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行 credits using the average number of credits taken by a 安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行 student (15 credits per semester). Total degree credits granted may not equal total course credits due to rounding in the conversion of fractional credits to semester hours.

转学课程的最低成绩必须达到“C”, MBA课程除外,该课程的最低成绩必须达到B或更高才能转学. The grades you received at your previous institution(s) will not be calculated into your 安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行 grade point average.

Transfer courses with descriptions that closely match the descriptions of courses taught at 安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行 will generally transfer as direct course equivalent credits. 例如, a doctorate level functional anatomy course at your previous institution will transfer as our FANT 10101 Functional Anatomy. Transfer courses that don’t have direct course equivalents at 安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行 will transfer as elective credits within the appropriate academic department. 例如, a technique course not offered at 安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行 might satisfy a technique elective credit but not a required technique core course.

跳级, CLEP, Military, 生活经验和类似的是不被接受的形式的学分在捏脊医学博士学位.

Logan’s DHPE程序 is designed to provide health professionals the tools they need to become successful educators in their chosen health profession. This 100% online program provides busy working professionals the flexibility to complete their doctorate degree and maintain their current employment.

课程作业旨在提供课程开发领域的实用知识和技能, 设计与评估, 学术领导, 教育技术, 统计与研究. 该计划的毕业生成为健康教育工作者、大学教员或大学管理人员.



只有在发行机构的正式成绩单上记录的学分,同等成绩为“B”(3).0 on a 4.0分制)或以上可考虑转学.

考虑转学, 学分必须在学时上相等, 课程内容和教学深度. Students may be required to submit appropriate course syllabi and/or college catalogs for Logan to make these determinations. 一旦洛根做出决定,这些决定就是最终决定.

考虑转学, 学分必须在安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行入学之日起10年内获得, 或者申请在过去10年内获得的学位.



转学分申请必须不迟于入学日期后30天收到. 此后,转学分将不予考虑.

提供学位 卫生信息学, Nutrition & 人类的表现 and 体育科学 & 康复安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行的在线硕士课程处于综合医疗保健的前沿.



只有在发行机构的正式成绩单上记录的学分,相当于3分.0 on a 4.0分或更高的分数可以考虑转学. 在DC/MS项目中同时进行的课程必须达到B或更高的成绩才能满足要求.

考虑转学, 学分必须在学时上相等, 课程内容和教学深度. Students may be required to submit appropriate course syllabi and/or college catalogs for Logan to make these determinations. 一旦洛根做出决定,这些决定就是最终决定.

考虑转学, 学分必须在安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行入学之日起10年内获得, 或者申请在过去10年内获得的学位.



转学分申请必须不迟于入学日期后30天收到. 此后,转学分将不予考虑.